LiDAR Data

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a method for determining distance using light and its wavelengths to an object from downward-looking LIDAR instruments fitted to aircraft and satellites. The data collected is used to determine the elevation of objects with respect to mean sea level (MSL). Bare Earth and First Return LiDAR data of the SEF was created in 2007 by Photo Science, Inc. The data contains a number of text files with X, Y, and Z geographic coordinates. (Bare Earth and First Return digital image files were created from this LiDAR data and can be downloaded from the downloadable shapefiles link.)

File Name Description Metadata
SEF LiDAR First Return LiDAR sensors are capable of receiving multiple returns. The 'first return' recorded by a LIDAR sensor is the first thing hit by a laser pulse. (Large file, 429 Megabytes) metadata
SEF LiDAR Bare Earth Post-processed LiDAR data, where vegetation and other 'first return' data was removed to generate 'bare earth' digital information. (Large file, 210 Megabytes) metadata