Santee Experimental Forest, Met 5 Hourly Temperature and Precipitation Data, 2001-2017.


Originator: Amatya, Devendra M. and Trettin, Carl C.
Publication_Date: 2018
Santee Experimental Forest, Met 5 Hourly Temperature and Precipitation Data, 2001-2017.
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: database
Instantaneous hourly air and soil temperature data, and event-based tipping bucket rain gauge data, were recorded by sensors linked to Onset Hobo dataloggers at the Met 5 weather station on the first-order Watershed 77 in the Santee Experimental Forest starting in September 2001.
The purpose of the data set is to provide researchers with measured instantaneous hourly air and soil temperature and total precipitation data from the Met 5 weather station, located on Watershed 77 in the Santee Experimental Forest.
Beginning_Date: 2001
Ending_Date: 2017
ground condition
Progress: In work
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As needed
The geographic area covered by the dataset is the Met 5 weather station on Watershed 77 in the Santee Experimental Forest.
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -79.78153
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -79.76300
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 33.15007
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 33.13284
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: Forested watersheds
Theme_Keyword: Air Temperature
Theme_Keyword: Soil Temperature
Theme_Keyword: Precipitation
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: South Carolina
Place_Keyword: Coastal Plain
Place_Keyword: Santee Experimental Forest
Place_Keyword: Watershed 77
Access_Constraints: None
These data were collected by USDA Forest Service researchers. In order to use the data in a publication, presentation or other research product you must agree to acknowledge its source. Please use the reference below when citing this work:

(Data name) courtesy of the USDA Forest Service Center for Forested Wetlands Research.

The following statement may be added after an acknowledgement or credit:

The USDA Forest Service Center for Forested Wetlands Research homepage is
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Manual rainfall measurements were made using a 0.20 m (8-inch) diameter National Weather Service (NWS) Standard Rain Gauge with its opening 0.8 m from the ground.

Starting in September 2001 both instantaneous hourly air and soil temperature and rainfall were recorded electronically by sensors linked to Onset Hobo dataloggers and downloaded directly to a laptop computer in the field. Rainfall event data recorded by a tipping bucket gauge were calibrated to the total rainfall collected by the manual gauge between download intervals. Air temperature (measured at a height of 1.27 m above the ground inside a ventilated wooden enclosure) data was checked against standard max/min and ambient thermometers (at a height of 1.40 m inside the same enclosure).

The aging wooden temperature sensor enclosure was replaced on 4/21/16. On 4/27/16, a new TMC6-HD soil temperature sensor was installed.
Visual inspection of electronically plotted air and soil temperature and precipitation data and comparison with data from other nearby SEF stations were employed to expose anomalous values.
No manual rain gauge data was available until the period starting 11/16/01, so tipping bucket gauge data recorded prior to that date could not be used. Since then there have been brief periods of missing rainfall and/or air and soil temperature data, usually as the result of equipment malfunction.

Because of a problem with the TMC1-HD air temperature sensor that developed on 6/14/15, some data between that date and 6/24/15 (when the sensor was replaced by another TMC1-HD unit) have been removed.

Because the manual rain gauge overflowed, data for massive rain event that occurred during the 10/2/15 to 10/8/15 period was extrapolated using the rainfall ratio (manual total/tipping bucket total) from 9/29/15 to 10/2/15.

There are brief periods of missing air temperature data from 10/20/15 through 4/21/16 because of spiky values that resulted from missing slats on the wooden enclosure. Soil temperature data are missing between 4/21/16 and 4/27/16 because of the transition to the new wooden temperature sensor enclosure.
Methodology_Type: Field
Starting in September 2001 both instantaneous hourly air and soil temperature and rainfall were recorded electronically by sensors linked to Onset Hobo data loggers and downloaded directly to a laptop computer in the field.

The Onset Hobo H08-002-02 Temperature/External Channel data logger equipped with a 0.10 m (4-inch) wire air temperature sensor (at a height of 1.27 m inside a ventilated wooden enclosure) and linked to a TMC6-HD soil temperature sensor was used to monitor instantaneous hourly air and soil temperatures from 9/13/01 to 7/29/09. Data was downloaded to a laptop computer using BoxCar Pro software. This data logger was replaced by an Onset Hobo U12 4-Channel External data logger linked to a TMC1-HD air temperature sensor and a TMC6-HD soil temperature sensor on 7/29/09. Data was downloaded to a laptop computer using Hoboware software.

Rainfall was recorded by an Onset RG2M tipping bucket rain gauge (with its opening 0.60 m above the ground) linked to an Onset Hobo H7 Event data logger.

The manual rain gauge water level was recorded using a dipstick and then dumped. Max/min and current ambient air temperature were also recorded (at a height of 1.40 m inside a ventilated wooden enclosure).

The Hobo H7 Event data logger was replaced with a Hobo UA-003-64 Pendant data logger on 12/11/14.

The TMC1-HD air temperature sensor began exhibiting anomalies on 6/14/15 and was replaced by another TMC1-HD unit on 6/24/15.

The aging wooden temperature sensor enclosure was replaced on 4/21/16. On 4/27/16, a new TMC6-HD soil temperature sensor was installed.
Back at the office the electronic data were retrieved from the laptop computer and plotted to check for outliers or anomalies. The tipping bucket gauge totals were calibrated against the amount of rainfall that had been collected in the manual gauge (the expected amount of rainfall recorded by each "tip" was adjusted by a factor corresponding to the total amount of rain collected in the manual gauge divided by the total recorded by the tipping bucket gauge for each download interval).

Pivot tables on Excel spreadsheets were used to convert the adjusted event-based rainfall data into hourly totals.

The times for instantaneous temperature data were not always recorded "on the hour," so these were adjusted to synchronize with the closest hourly rainfall data. The difference was usually no more than 15 minutes.

Lotti Road tipping bucket data were used to estimate missing tips between 9/5/14 and 9/10/14, on 11/1/14, and between 11/20/14 and 12/9/14.
Process_Date: Unknown
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Variables included in the datasets Met_5_hourly_data_rev2.xlsx, Met_5_hourly_data_2008_2011.xlsx and Met_5_hourly_data_2012.xlsx, Met_5_hourly_data_2013_rev.xlsx, Met_5_hourly_data_2014.xlsx, Met_5_hourly_data_2015.xlsx, Met_5_hourly_data_2016.xlsx and Met_5_hourly_data_2017.xlsx:

Location = watershed name (WS77 = Watershed 77);
Instr_ID = weather station name (Met5 = Met 5 weather station);
Date_time_temp = date and time that instantaneous air and soil temperature data were recorded (format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM);
Date_temp = date associated with air and soil temperature data (format MM/DD/YYYY);
Time24_temp = nearest hour associated with air and soil temperature data (0 to 23);
Air_Temp_C (alias 'InstantaneousAirTemperature') = instantaneous air temperature, in degrees Celsius;
Soil_Temp_ (alias 'InstantaneousSoilTemperature') = instantaneous soil temperature, in degrees Celsius;
Date_time_rain = ending date and time for calculation of hourly rainfall (format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM);
Date_rain = date associated with rainfall data;
Time24_rain = nearest hour associated with rainfall data (1 to 24);
Rainfall_m (alias 'Rainfall') = rainfall total for preceding hour, in mm; and
Sample_Int = sample interval (in hours).

All missing data were originally assigned the value "-9999"; during database development this code was changed to "null"
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Metadata_Date: 20180607
Contact_Organization: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forested Wetlands Research
Contact_Person: Andy Harrison
Contact_Position: Hydrology Technician
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 3734 Hwy 402
City: Cordesville
State_or_Province: SC
Postal_Code: 29434
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 843 336-5603
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001.1-1999
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